by datdudejbal | Feb 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
Apparently! Here’s a picture of an article found during research in The New York Times mentioning the genius’s attendance!
The Nobel Prize winning genius Albert Einstein not only valued the acquisition of knowledge, but also using the gift of knowledge to benefit all of mankind. As someone who once said “It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it,” it is not surprising that Einstein took the time to honor Julius Rosenwald, a great philanthropist. While both men possessed very different gifts and utilized them in different ways, they inarguably both dedicated their lives to changing the lives of others. Einstein knew Physics and Rosenwald knew Business; however both men are surely geniuses in their own right.
Photograph of Albert Einstein
Photo Source:
Erica Marshall, Winter Intern
by datdudejbal | Feb 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
Pretty popular this week, we know!
Prolific author and poet Langston Hughes, recipient of the Rosenwald Grant, still continues to inspire through his literary works five decades after his death. This book comprised of his letters written during the Harlem Renaissance such as and the Civil Rights movement will be released next week, February 10th for the public to see the political, cultural, and personal thoughts of the great black thinker of the 20thCentury. He wrote authors Zora Neale Hurston, Richard Wright, and his own father who is most known for opposing his career choices, just to name a few. Although it gives insight, it will also leave the reader with more questions about the mysterious writer. Here is a quote from the book of Langston Hughes talking about Julius Rosenwald:
There is little need to say how deeply we all feel the loss of Julius Rosenwald,
friend of America and of my people. Little children all over the South looked
at his picture that week and were sad to know that he had gone. May my present
tour, which his generosity helped to bring about, produce something worthy of
his name, for I must always remember him with personal as well as racial
To pre-order the book, go to
Photograph of Langston Hughes
Photo Source:
To read an article by The New York Times with more details about the book click this link below!
Erica Marshall, Winter Intern
by datdudejbal | Feb 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
Civil Rights leader Congressman John Lewis has recently completed the second volume of his civil rights trilogy, March: Book Two. On Wednesday February 4th 2015, Busboys and Poets Brookland will be hosting a book talk with Lewis and Andrew Aydin. The graphic memoir is a collaboration between him, artist Nate Powell, and writer Andrew Aydin. In the second part of his journey through the civil rights movement, Lewis tells us about the challenges faced as a Freedom Rider, being beaten and locked up despite his nonviolent protests. Towards the end of this book he is elected leader of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and preparing to participate in the historic March on Washington.
Featured in this documentary, John Lewis is a former Rosenwald School student. Julius Rosenwald’s philanthropic efforts greatly impacted his education and future as a young change agent during a trying time for blacks in America.
To get a seat at this event, register for free on the Busboys’ website. It also will be streamed online.
Erica Marshall, Winter Intern
by datdudejbal | Feb 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
On Sunday February 8th at 1:00pm, notable filmmaker and founder of the Washington Jewish Film Festival will speak alongside authors Menachem Rosensaft and Michael Brenner. They will have a discussion about the book God, Faith and Identity from the Ashes, an anthology of testaments from 88 children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors by written by Rosensaft. This year marks 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Panelists will talk about the legacy’s impact on their personal lives.
The Book Talk will take place at the Politics and Prose Bookstore (5015 Connecticut Ave N.W., Washington DC).
Erica Marshall, Winter Intern
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